This everyday barking behavior will give you headache unless you are living far from everyone and nobody ever visits you. The very last thing we want to get from your dog when a person pay a visit to your house is to bark over and over. This really is a true stressful moment for us being a host.
Only just some people might stay and tolerate the noise the dog is making. Along with such barking sound you would not manage to hold a proper conversation with your guest. This is besides from your dog jumping on your guest and frightening the living daylights out of them. We might never hope for that situation to occur. It is challenging to stop this sort of behavior. However with a technique labeled as desensitization this issue can be resolve easily.
There are some stages required for a total desensitization. You should teach your dog the basic sit and heel command first before you can move to the next phase. If for example the dog is familiar with these commands then you could proceed to the following stages.
Step 1
Use the sit command that you have taught to tell your dog to sit away from the door from where the door bell rings comes. Give your dog a reinforce if they can remain sit and remain on their position for some time.. Dogs are really smart creatures. He understands that whenever he is doing your command he gets a treat. Proceed to the second step only when your dog obeys you consistently.
Step 2
Now tell your dog to sit before the door while you open the door simulating a visitor. When your dog rises from his sit position, correct him with soft poke while saying "NO" to make him back. A leash would be really necessary for the training to lead your dog to return the first sit position every time they steer away.
Step 3
This now involves a person at the door. Take your dog to sit on their spot. Wait up until your canine in a relaxed state prior to open the door. In case the dog gets up, correct using a NO. And command again to sit. Wait until your dog well-behaved before you can let the guest to enter the door. Of course, you only train with someone who's in on your dog obedience training. An actual guest will think if you missed your appointment with the doctor.
Step 4
Once you have a success on all 3 steps then you may include a real door bell to the exercise. This final phase is quite challenging, so you may need to be a little patient and focus. When your dog hears the doorbell ring and responds, reprimand with a NO and tell him to Sit or Heel whenever he is doing this correctly reward him. Over time your dog will understand how to act whenever the doorbell rings.
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